At the beginning of 2013, Yanki continued her role as the Adjunct Professor at the Hong Kong Design Institute and initiated another design lab with Brazilian designer, Paula Dib. Read on ›
At the beginning of 2013, Yanki continued her role as the Adjunct Professor at the Hong Kong Design Institute and initiated another design lab with Brazilian designer, Paula Dib. Read on ›
Introduced by Make A Difference (MaD), Yanki was invited to design and moderate a four-hour interactive session for the Social Enterprises Summit in Hong Kong, (SES) 2012 Read on ›
One of the sponsors of the RSA’s Students Design Awards 2013, the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) initiated the brief of ‘Workplace 2030: Creating the workplace for future generations’. Read on ›
12th Aug (Sun), Yanki attended the ‘Making Futures Workshop’, its notion was to challenge the logic of innovation by exploring the potential of participatory design cases that demonstrate a repertoire of differently situated practices of future-making. Read on ›
On 16th April 2012, Yanki was invited by the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) to conduct a coaching workshop for students, all of whom had been shortlisted for the RSA Student Design Awards 2012. Read on ›
Spatial design, curating facilitation and lighting design by co-creation process with the architects, artists and the client, Hong Kong Arts Centre. Read on ›
In June, Yanki spent three days at Lillestrøm, a city between Oslo and Gardermoen Airport in Norway to conduct a design workshop as part of the UD2012 conference programme, the first Universal Design Conference in Europe. Read on ›
EXHIBIT has been invited by textile designer and social innovator Carmen Hijosa to collaborate in the development of a revolutionary new material. Read on ›
Yanki was invited by the Hong Kong Design Institute to curate a design workshop, Design.Lives – Ageing in Tiu Keng Leng, rethinking the design implications of an ageing society by working with students and the surrounding neighbourhood. Read on ›
Yanki was invited by MaD (Make a Difference) Hong Kong to give a talk and conduct a workshop for an audience of 16-30 year olds in January 2011. Read on ›
A pilot project for the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) to create a three-day design training initiative for people with spinal-cord injuries. Read on ›
EXHIBIT has been commissioned by the Iris Foundation with PJC Light Studio as the lighting architect to develop a lighting master-plan for The Garage Centre of Contemporary Culture Moscow (CCCM) Read on ›
The Light Unlimited Project was commissioned by the renowned energy efficient light bulb manufacturer Megaman. Read on ›
As part of the Icograda World Design Congress 2009 EXHIBIT was commissioned by Mixmind China to develop the exhibition design and lighting masterplan for the “Design as Productive Force” exhibition held at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing. Read on ›
Inhabitants is an exhibition hosted in an 18th century Huguenot house in Spitalfields, owned by the renowned architectural historian, author and TV presenter, Dan Cruickshank. Read on ›
British artist Conrad Shawcross has created Chord, a giant and site specific installation in the Kingsway Tram Subway, Holborn in October 2009. Read on ›
Following the London debut at the Royal College of Art in 2008, Constant Stream continues its journey to Belgium, Hong Kong, and finally showcases at Today Art Museum, Beijing. Read on ›
Bag for Better is a fund raising project dedicated to helping children and families in mainland China directly affected by AIDS. Read on ›
Villiers High School in Southall London invited Yanki to develop a series of design workshops aimed at engaging the students and teachers in a school improvement programme. Read on ›
Heartlands is a community-led project by the Kerrier District Council in Pool, Cornwall, which is created to ensure social sustainability. Read on ›
The Methods Lab at the Royal College of Art London encourages design students to create new ways of social interaction for local residents of all ages Read on ›
Design workshops for the User-Science Institute at the Kyushu University in Japan to develop an effective communication platform for architects and clients to co-design future housing. Read on ›
EXHIBIT Studio was commissioned by British artist Douglas White to light his debut solo exhibition, LILITH, at Paradise Row in May 2007. Read on ›